Monday, January 10, 2011

A brief departure

So after this week's Torah study, I had a bunch of potential posts forming. Then I heard about Tucson; then I heard about Debbie Friedman (z'l). So the rest will wait.

May the memories of Christina Greene, Dorothy Murray, John Roll, Phyllis Schneck, Dorwin Stoddard and Gabriel Zimmerman be a blessing, and R'fuah Shlema to their families and loved ones, as well as to Congresswoman Giffords.

Every one of these deaths is a tragedy, but much coverage is going to the child*, the judge and the young Jewish man. CBS has an article touching on all six of the lives lost.

And R'fuah Shlema as well to the family and loved ones of Jared Lee Loughner, who must be just as horrified, baffled and devastated as the rest of us.

*Yes, I teared up typing that. There's a phone interview with her mother that I cannot even try to watch.

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