Friday, August 28, 2009

In the absence of family ties

I found out the other day that one of my cousins, of my father's generation, was killed in a car accident. I barely remember her, but finding that out stirred up all sorts of emotions other than grief.

My immediate biological family consists of my parents and me, full stop. For whatever reason, growing up I spent more time with my mother's side than my father's side (I suspect it was in part due to the fact that my mother's parents were alive when I was born, while my father's parents were not), but I'm not in direct contact with anybody on either side; all communication comes through my parents.

Well, I have an aunt and a cousin Facebooked, but I don't think that quite counts.

Anyway, I've been thinking a lot about l'dor vador, the importance in Judaism of passing tradition and belief from generation to generation, and I feel like C and I will be starting from the very beginning...C, while a born Jew, didn't grow up observant and I grew up agnostic, and the only childhood traditions I have are secular Christian (e.g. Santa and the Easter Bunny).

I know it's all part of the journey, but sometimes the road seems very steep and empty.

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