Monday, September 7, 2009

I hope I'm missing something

Our rabbis are making very sure we all know that the High Holy Days are just about here. I'm looking forward to the Selichot service this Saturday evening.

I was exploring some other Judaism-focused personal blogs last week, and I found one in which a couple of years ago, the author posted something like "This is to ask forgiveness of anyone I may have wronged, purposely or accidentally, in the past year".

I am assuming that this post was in addition to, not instead of, the face-to-face requests for forgiveness from those we've wronged. In a way, I like it, because I'm always afraid I've wronged people without realizing fact, I'm sure I have, as we all do...and I can't seek reconciliation without knowing with whom I'm supposed to reconcile. But something about the blanket nature of such a post seems to go against the soul-searching that I think the Days of Awe are supposed to involve.

Was there a pre-Internet equivalent of a blog post like that?

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